When disaster strikes, you can count on the restoration and cleaning specialists at Recovery Solutions to help with all your cleaning and reconstruction needs.
Established by co-owners Aaron Rohen and Joel Kerstetter, Recovery Solutions was created after the merging of their two companies, Recovery Restoration and Solution Contents. Using their decades of work and combined expertise, the two have built a team of dedicated professionals prepared to take the reins when things get tough.
Restoration Specialists
Whether you’ve experienced a fire, a flood or are finding your footing after a recent storm, our restoration and reconstruction specialists are eager to help you restore what matters most.
In addition to reconstruction and restoration, we offer the cleaning services you’ll need to save many of the items that are damaged during these disasters, such as your furniture, electronics and carpets. From restoring your home or business to cleaning the items damaged during your disaster, we pride ourselves in offering comprehensive, full-service solutions to people throughout West Michigan.
After a disaster occurs, it can be difficult to navigate the various stages of rebuilding, especially if there is more than one company you have to rely on. With Recovery Solutions, you get effective assistance at every stage of the process — saving you both time and money.
For more information about restoration and cleaning from the restoration specialists at Recovery Solutions, please contact us here or call us directly at 269.245.0406.